Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Work From Home Business - Put Yourself In A Critical Condition

There is a famous saying by Donald Trump: "As long as you're going to think anyway, you might as well think big." So make sure that you have a big or monumental goal in work from home business. It is very natural then, that you will ask yourself "How do I achieve this big goal in work from home based business?"
Our brain plays an important role when we set our goal and formulating plan of work from home based business to achieve it. When our brain is given a choice to do something or to put it off, it will pull us towards the more comfortable path, especially if the goal is so difficult to achieve.

However, when we make it as a must no matter how big it is, our brain will start taking us seriously and we will always find a way to succeed in our work from home based business!
Therefore, to ensure that you achieve your big goal in work from home business, you must put yourself in a critical condition where you have absolutely no choice but to achieve the goal. You put yourself on the line where there is no doubt that the only option is to succeed in your work from home business. You focus on success, you think success, you breathe success, and you dream success -- in work from home based business! As Benjamin Disraeli said, "Life is too short to be small."

Many successful individuals created the results in their work from home based business because they simply had no choice. They put themselves in critical condition (their future was at stake) and this action eventually led them to successfully achieve their goals!
Likewise, you must know what is worth dying for. Spend some time reflecting this: "What in life would I not be able to stop doing, no matter what the consequences were?" Tell yourself that you will succeed in working from home business, no matter what!
You must ensure that your goal is STAMPS: Specific, Time-limited, Action-oriented, Measurable, Purpose-driven and Stretching.

The goal must be clearly spelled out.
Time-limited. The goal must have a time frame and deadline which will force you to watch and put your best efforts to fulfill.

The goal must inspire action.
Measurable. You must be able to measure the goal so that you can express its progress using figures of measurement.

The goal must be reasonable, i.e. it has a strong 'Why' behind it.
Stretching. The goal must be very challenging, something which pushes you and yet is achievable.

To ensure that you achieve your big STAMPS goal in work from home based business, put yourself in a critical condition using these five strategies:

1. "Burn the ships."

You put everything you have on the line. Of the five strategies, this is the most daring strategy because the stake is very big.
In 1519, Hernan Cortez sailed his fleet of 11 ships from Spain into the harbor of Vera Cruz, Mexico, bringing with him soldiers, sailors, and horses. He landed there on 4 March 1519. Cortez didn't want his troops to have any doubts about their mission, so he ordered to burn the ships to make retreat impossible. His men no doubt understood that Cortez was very serious about this mission and really wanted results, and that they must focus on victory.
When I quitted from my profession to start work from home business, I was tempted to go back to my old job when I didn't earn money yet from my work from home online opportunity. However, I realized that if I didn't 'burn my ships' then I won't fight very hard to succeed in work from home business.

2. Set a monumental goal.

You deliberately set a highly challenging and monumental goal in work from home business with adequate time limit so that you will be forced to take a lot of thinking and efforts to achieve it. Tom Hopkins said, "You can't rest unless you set goals that make you stretch." However, boldly saying that you'll successfully do something without the capacity -- skills or resources -- to do it is just bragging.
In 1508, Michelangelo, the famous artist, was summoned by Pope Julius II to work on a painting project, which involved painting a dozen figures on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Once Michelangelo agreed to do the job (albeit reluctantly), he poured himself into it. He expanded the scope of the project to include more than 400 figures and nine scenes from the book of Genesis. He spent four agonizing years sweating in physical distress -- his neck, shoulders and back ached, and his vision was damaged -- as he worked to paint the Sistine Chapel's ceiling to produce a real masterpiece.
What is your monumental goal in your work from home business? How much will you earn in 2010 by maximizing the work from home online opportunity?

3. Make a public declaration of your goal.

You make your goal and plans public, so that you will be more committed to following through with them. Thomas Edison called a press conference to announce his good idea for an invention. Then he'd go into his lab and invent it.
Who should you declare your goal of work from home business to so that there is no way you will leave the work from home online opportunity?

4. Get other people involved in the process of attaining your goal.

You share your goal in work from home business with some close friends or relatives, those who will be supportive to you. This will force you to be committed to achieve your goal, and at the same time you may also get valuable support, advice and information from them to pursue work from home online opportunity. Tennessee Williams said, "Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends we choose."

5. Make a financial commitment on your goal.

You set your goal in work from home business associated with financial commitment, such that it will hurt you not to do it. What is the extra money you are committed to make in work from home based business? When it comes to real commitment on money, people tend to be more serious and determined, and put their thought and actions whole-heartedly. As Voltaire properly put it, "When it's a question of money, everybody is of the same religion."

By putting yourself in a critical condition, you put yourself on the line and tell yourself that the only option is to succeed in work from home business. Failure is not an option regardless the immense obstacles. You force your mind, body and soul to focus your efforts and play all-out to achieve your big goal in work from home business successfully and pay the price to reach it.
Make a solemn commitment in your heart to achieve your goal. Commitment is the inner strength that keeps you pressing on when everyone else tells you to give up, and getting up no matter how many times you are knocked down in pursuing work from home online opportunity.

The only real measure of commitment is action -- walking your talk. Therefore, measure your commitment based on your action: how much time you spend in work from home business, in service, with family, etc. Then see if your actions match your ideals about the things in your life which you would not be able to stop doing. As Cecil B. De Mille said, "The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly." Take action to start work from home business.

By Tessie Setiabudi

How You Too Can Become A Millionaire – The Six Dynamic Steps Of Wealth Creation

Firstly, it is imperative that you develop a strong and burning desire to be rich and successful - and truly know that you are as deserving to fulfill this desire as anyone else on this wonderful planet.
Developing this unquenchable desire will give you the fearsome will power to overcome the many temptations that will arise to lead you away from the path of wealth creation mastery. I use the word ‘mastery’ for good reason. I encourage you to become your own Master.

I want you to start taking the personal responsibility for your own financial future. Know that it is not merely “ask and it shall be given unto you” more “demand and insist of your higher self that you exercise your right to abundance”! This abundance can be likened to an ocean. Some people come to this ocean with thimbles to fill while others bring huge buckets. Others still choose to remain away from the waters edge. The ocean cares not.

So no more pathetic shilly-shallying - stop dreaming about how nice it would be to be rich – get off your buttocks, stop playing that childish “victim role game” and start your wealth creation program without delay. Promise yourself that this time you will damn well stick to it.
Secondly, you must be crystal clear on your objective and know exactly what “being a millionaire (or a multi-millionaire) is.”
No, don’t go getting your back up! You don’t know exactly! If you fully understood, you would already be wealthy! If you are unsure of where you are going, you can be sure you won’t get there. So if you are one of those who proclaim, “I want to make heaps of money” or “I am not making ends meet – I need a huge income or extra cash” – forget this article – go elsewhere. Come back when you really want to succeed at amassing a great fortune.

“A millionaire is a person whose total assets, if sold off in a non-fire-sale situation, would bring (after tax obligations - if any) a net minimum of $1,000,000.00”
Now just to get you even angrier, I’m going to say that again. “A millionaire is a person whose total assets if sold off in a non-fire-sale situation would bring (after tax obligations - if any) a net minimum of $1,000,000.00”
Oh you knew that did you? OK smarty-pants, then tell me what is the total of your realizable net assets right now? What? You don’t know? You can only make a rough guess? Not good enough. There’s only one thing worse than not knowing where you are going, it’s not knowing where you are right now to get there!

So get that list going NOW! The total will be your WEALTH TOTAL right NOW. All we need to do is to increase that total way past the million-dollar mark and hey, you can then call yourself a millionaire. I aim to convince you that millionaire status is so easy to achieve and that you will be guaranteed to have immense fun upon this awesome journey.

OK so you have now fired up your passion, you know where you are going and where you are right now. Now fourthly, I want to make this bone headed statement that will bound to get your hair standing up. “Up till now you’ve been a lousy dead beat business-person!”
“Yikes Charles, I find your methods insulting – why I haven’t even been in business! So you are dead wrong there!”
Oh haven’t you? Are you sure? Let’s get the birds eye view. Please consider:
A business has a gross annual income (turnover) and from that total pays all overheads. From the net income or profit (if any) tax is payable. Now the amount that is left, can either be used to create wealth - or it can be spent on non-wealth creating products or services - for example, spending the surplus on a vacation etc.

Similarly, a working person or couple has a combined gross annual income (turnover) and from that total pays all domestic overheads. Now the amount that is left, can either be used to create wealth - or it can be spent on non-wealth creating products or services - for example, spending the surplus on a vacation etc.
You can see from the above that in both examples – there is income – there are expenses/out goings and hopefully something left at the end that one can optionally spend. So I will repeat, “Up till now you’ve been a lousy dead beat business-person!”
Now most “business” folks are like rudderless ships on a stormy sea being tossed around at the mercy of the elements. That is why statistics continually prove that most people “regardless of income” end up on the rocks of financial instability.

They spend their lives being too busy trying to make or earn money to become super rich. So lets once and for all, short cut this whole tedious process and change the mind set from “making money” to “Creating Wealth.”
Fifthly: Clearing out the dross in your life to make room for the new is the next important step. The dross I talk of comes under three general headings - habits, people and goods and chattels. Why not begin to replace the costly time wasting and money consuming habits with the habit of wealth creation? Why not begin to replace the hangers on in your life with people who are also on the success path? Enough said: I leave the “habits and people” headings up to you, however the unwanted “goods and chattels” will be the seed of your million-dollar fortune. Be vicious! Go through all your goods and chattels and everything you don’t need or use, put to one side for your garage or boot sale (even if you are emotionally attached). Ask your friends and relatives to “donate” to the greatest cause on Earth – your future millionaire status.

Then have your sale and raise your seed money. Ah! Ah. Yes, you may only get a hundred or so dollars out of it and you may have that much already in the bank but do as I say. Eat humble pie – it’s good for you. You cannot learn by always taking the easy way out. If you can’t create the seed, do not expect to create the fruits.
Sixthly - Now there exists two main techniques of wealth creation you should know about. To this day I still use both techniques as separate streams of wealth creation. I call them the arbitrage-compound system or the straight multiplier system. The arbitrage-compound system works on buying in bulk very cheaply and selling at bargain basement prices so that customers almost queue up for more. Your mark up will only be between 25% - 27%. Why? Because your compounding capital doubles every 3 rotations. EG Alice, one of my students, used this method to kick start her wealth program.

From her seed money, she bought of all things, a popular brand of coffee beans in bulk and packaged them up in 500 gram cellophane packets. Supplying her work mates, friends and neighbors her $130.00 soon grew to well over $5,000.00 of supplies of coffee. Alice then branched out and now has several items she buys at around $400.00 and resells at about $500.00. By the time you read this article Alice’s wealth total, in her still part time wealth program, will have steamed past the $100,000.00 mark. Now Alice IS NOT running a business. She is Wealth Creating. Can you see the difference?

The straight multiplier system is where you will look for items upon which you know you can at least double or triple your money. Initially go to boot and garage sales and charity shops, auctions etc. Buy bargains at give away prices. Sell them on Ebay or advertise on the local shopping centers’ bulletin boards. As you sell keep buying and doubling and tripling your money. Do not spend even one cent of these funds on anything except your wealth program. Allow your wealth program to multiply till your asset sheet exceeds the first $100,000.00.

Once that level has been reached your apprenticeship is over. The second $100,000.00 in wealth (assets) will be achieved in about one third of the time of the first and so on. Two things you will notice: Bargains and opportunities to buy will arise continuously so you can afford to be oh, so choosy. The second point to keep in mind is that time is relatively immaterial.
Make sure you keep your asset or wealth list up to date. Aim to increase it by X amount of dollars each and every week and keep setting your own personal bar higher.

By Charles Goodwin

How To Manage Investment Volatility

When the market is on a bull run, as it was in the earlier part of the year, or during the first half of 2007, investors tend to neglect risks. However recent events (triggered by US subprime and financial meltdown) demonstrated that investing in stock markets isn't for the faint of heart. A case in point is that for the past few months, wild swings of daily stock market indexes by few percentage points were common. How does one manage his or her portfolio in such volatility? For some, unloading all their stocks and keep all their CASH safely in the bank may sound the safest option. Others may switch part or entire portfolio to other safer instruments such as gold or commodities, or cash instruments.
Getting It Right From The Start
While timing everything right seems impossible, there are better ways to manage one's portfolio. Essentially, getting it right at the start is important. One will worry less if one's portfolio is structured right to start off with, that is, maintain an asset allocation strategy based on one's personal risk profile at the very first place. With asset allocation, diversify one's portfolio is the key, in order to reduce over dependence of a specific asset class, that is.


One such method is to consider various instruments that have low correlation to one another. For example, while directly investing in individual stocks has good direct exposure, consider investing in unit trusts or ETFs, where typically the funds will be invested in a basket of stocks instead of one individual stock. In principal, stocks tend to be a lot more volatile than equity unit trusts for the reason that funds tend to be more diversified because they are invested in multiple stocks.
Other low correlation asset classes include bonds, commodities (gold, metals) and real estate properties. Gold is a perfect case in point, where prices have escalated by around 50% from 2007 to-date due to sky rocketing crude oil prices and perception of safe-heaven characteristic.

Adopt Mid to Long Term Horizon

The longer the time horizon is, the more volatility one can tolerate as one has more time to recover from short term volatility. Putting a mid to long term strategy in place will certainly allow an investor to take into consideration factors that will affect one's portfolio, such as market cycles, political stability and economic swings.

Stay Objective

While i agree that investing in general should be taken with a long term perspective, it is not a hard and fast rule as it is also important to stay objective and be alert to potential major changes in business or economic environment from both local and global perspective. For example, while investing in China equity at one point (prior to 2007) may be a great idea tapping into the explosive growth of Chinese companies, an investor should consider unloading some or all of the funds invested to else where when Chinese stocks were trading at lofty and unrealistic valuations. Another example is when subprime issues first surfaced, it is wise to find out from the brokers or agents immediately where their property trust funds were invested. It is wise to liquidate such investments when the stakes are high!

Invest Regularly

Invest regularly is also a good way to manage periodic market volatility. For many this could be in the form of monthly investment, directly from their monthly income or retirement fund savings. In essence one will continue to invest a particular sum of money regardless of whether the market rises or falls. This method is also commonly termed as Dollar Cost Averaging.
One may choose to invest more regularly during the bull market and less regularly during the bear market. However, again there is really no hard and fast rule, it all depends on each individual's risk profile and preference.

By PS Thoo