Saturday, March 29, 2008

Seven Secrets To Wealth Creation

Wealth creation is not a matter of luck it is the result of applying an appropriate strategy. Here are seven wealth building secrets that can help you put together your own winning strategy to increase YOUR personal wealth.

Secret 1: Have a Strong Reason To Become Wealthy

You need a stronger motivator than the money. What is the real benefit that you will receive from becoming wealthy? How will your life change for the better? Unless you have an emotionally strong reason to become wealthy, you are unlikely to do what it takes.

Remember that mediocrity in the western world is a pretty good lifestyle and it's easy to achieve. You need some special potential benefit to get you to go the extra mile and achieve wealth.

Secret 2: Find a Strong Market Place

Your wealth has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is called the marketplace. What marketplace are you targeting?

It is important that you choose a marketplace that is strong enough and healthy enough to provide you with all the opportunity you need in order to reach your financial goals.

Secret 3: Have a Strong Vehicle

How are you going to tap into that strong marketplace? You need to have a vehicle that has the potential for providing the results you seek. The vehicle needs to be strong enough that it will do the job you are asking of it, both now and for a reasonable time into the future, regardless of how the market is changing.

Secret 4: Develop or Hire Strong Knowledge

Applied knowledge is power. If you are going to take your vehicle to the heights it needs to achieve in order to provide you with wealth, then you must have the knowledge of how to do that. Some knowledge you need to have yourself and other knowledge you can hire in the form of employees or outsourcing.

What knowledge do you need to add to your knowledge bank and where are you going to get it?

Secret 5: Develop and Tap Into a Strong Network

Nobody gets rich on their own. You need a strong network of contacts, each of whom will play their role in your journey to riches.

Your will need a network of people to help you stay on track. A network to brainstorm with. A network to help you market your vehicle. What is your current network like? Do you have good relationships with all the people who can help you achieve your goals? If not where are you going to find them and how are you going to recruit them into your network?

Secret 6: Have a Strong Risk Management Strategy

The self-made rich don't avoid risk, like the average person does; they find ways to manage risk. When you know why you are becoming wealthy, and you have the right market place and the right vehicle, make sure you also have a strong risk management plan to keep it all on track.

Secret 7: Have a Strong Commitment to Your Success

The last secret, and the most important behind knowing why, is to have a strong commitment to succeeding. Your commitment has to be unshakable. You are highly likely to meet with obstacles along the way and some of them may be very challenging. The thing that will get you over, around, or through those obstacles is a strong, unwavering commitment to achieving your goals.

Now that you have the seven secrets it is up to you to assess how you stand currently on each one, and then to do whatever it takes to bring yourself up to speed so that you will enjoy the fruits of your own wealth creation.

By James Delrojo

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Become A Financially Free-Bird

Wealth creation is a real hard work. It is all about skill, patience, shrewdness, knowledge and management. Now, wealth construction can be an easy task for some while some find themselves searching for answers very frequently. Remember that wealth is all about generating a passive income and setting yourselves free from the burden of debt. If you are on the hunt for a racy strategy that can set your money multiplying, reading books and wealth creation experts’ ideas can be good sources to start with. There can also be other tools like interaction with planners. Practical implications are however the most necessary part.

6 Steps to attain financial freedom

1. Make your money work
Put your money to work just like you do. As you go to work everyday, let your money also go to work. Money has a huge potential to multiply by itself if it’s put in the right places at the right situations. Make your assets do the some mathematics. All you need to do is to put them in the best places where they can work and guarantee a passive income to you. The labour of the assets you possess will be enough in the long run and you can stop providing your labour to corporations.

2. Small drops make an ocean
People at times believe that huge money is required to gain huge profits and to catapult passive income. They don’t realize that small investments lead to big ones, just like small drops make an ocean. They have the biased notion that big money to invest means big returns. The idea is to learn how to make money from a scratch. People with loads of money look for wealth management. So kill the myth and open up to better investment options like starting from a scratch.

3. Buy the companies stock, not goods
Investors and stakeholders of a company often buy their goods and services even if they actually don’t need them. Don’t waste your monetary resources on unworthy investments and spending. Rather buying the company’s stock would be a good option.

4. You create your own fortunes
For whatever you do remember that you make or break your own fortunes. Investing wisely in the market can turn out to be far better than lavishly spending your money. Savings can lead to investment and it is upto you to control your own debts.

5. Have a role model
Every big investor today, admires another as a role model. Taking inspiration from your idol, you too can be successful. The first secret is to follow someone who has been successful. Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyoski and many other people have increasingly become rich through their valuable knowledge and guidance from their idols.

6. Learn from errors
Remember that an error becomes a mistake when not rectified .Learn from your errors, have patience, search for loopholes and only then make your decision. Learning from the mistakes of your parents is also a must.

By Will Smithston

Road To Financial Freedom

I was browsing a government intranet forum classified forum and guess what, I saw the topic that I love; FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS. As i was reading all the threads, I saw a pattern in the discussions. Almost 99% of them were unhappy about their income but were criticizing people who has a bigger income and have savings of SGD200k at the age of 31.

Good thing was that they were thinking about wealth, but their mindset were totally wrong! Instead of sharing on how to create a better income and generate ideas to expand their income, they were busy complaining and blaming their fate.

Is this common? I bet it is. People do not want to be rich, they just wish. They wish that they can be rich, buy all the luxuries in the world and retire early. Some wants to be rich, think of ideas, but stop at implementing the ideas. Some implement their ideas( business ideas), failed and never try to improve.

If you ask me, is they a way to be rich? My answer to you is this, being rich is a vague statement!

1)Convert rich to numbers ( 200k?)

2)Set your target (5 years?)

3)Think of ideas on how to multiply your income streams( Be creative!)

4)Ask around and read books on wealth creation ( People are more willing to share their knowledge)

5)Gather as many information as possible

6)review them

7)Improve them

8)Implement them



By Nurazrin Suhadi

Creating A Wealth Conscious Mind Set

Creating wealth is a process that takes determination, perseverance, and a commitment to achievement. Wealth is not something that defines your life completely, but it can help you to have the freedom to spend time doing the things you enjoy. Wealth can help you spend more time with your children, develop a hobby, learn more about the world around you, or even travel the world if you so desire. All of these things are possible if you can work on creating a wealth-conscious mind set. Developing this mind set will help you set financial goals and create plans for achieving those goals. When you finally achieve financial freedom, you’ll understand how important mind setting is for guiding you to success.

Developing a wealth-conscious mind set first requires you to define wealth in your own terms. Is wealth to you making enough to take an annual vacation? Making millions of dollars a year? Everyone’s definition of wealth differs based on their needs and desires. Someone who is single may have different financial goals than someone with a family of five. You can determine your own definition of wealth by reviewing the things you want to accomplish with your wealth. You may want to contribute to charitable organizations, travel, start your own business, or retire at a young age. Once you develop your goals and define wealth in your own terms, you can truly start using mind setting to help build wealth and prosperity.

Having a wealth-conscious mind set will also require you to commit to learning all that you can about wealth creation and management. This is especially important if you have not been financially stable in the past. There are many books and seminars available on wealth creation and management. Some of the resources available are solid references with a lot of valuable information. Then there are some resources that are nothing more than a way for their sellers to become wealthy. If you carefully choose your resources, you’ll be able to use them to your advantage and learn new ideas about wealth creation.

If you want to have a wealth-conscious mind set, you should plan on creating wealth with integrity. Many people want to create wealth at any cost, including the expense of others. They use scams to get other people to spend their hard-earned money on shoddy products or useless services. You may be able to create some wealth using these techniques, but you’ll also create a reputation for dishonesty. Your wealth will not be as satisfying if others don’t trust you and you can’t keep generating income from your efforts. You’ll be able to enjoy your wealth much more if you have a clear conscious.

If you want to create wealth for yourself with integrity and honesty, developing a wealth-conscious mind set can help you understand what you need to do to achieve the level of wealth you desire. It can also help you to establish goals for yourself and make it possible for you to meet challenges head on until you achieve success

By Adrian McMaster

Alternative Investment Ideas Are Required If You Want Rapid Wealth

Ever since I was a kid, I played with vision. I saw things as they were, then applied different fanciful overlays against the reality. I looked for logical outcomes based on those creative overlays to practice "eventuation"

It was and still is a habit. I was the number one kid with potential but no follow through according to teachers. I was a day dreamer.

Its no surprise this day dreaming kid turned into a day dreaming adult with no real prospects or intrinsic worth. I drifted from job to job, from interest to interest. I can tell you looking back, that theres absolutely nothing wrong with that. I consider it normal and the people with the capacity to stick to a mind numbing job for 40 to 60 hours per week for years and years is the abnormal state.

Of course things changed for me, I changed when I met Martin Thomas and found out there was a practical application to make money with this capacity to day dream. Im "well heeled" today (as they say) and its simply obvious to me that real wealth is created. I dont mean in the practical sense like you would use the word to describe a task. I mean in the biblical sense like when we describe how God created the world and rested on the seventh day.

Alternative investment is essential for rapid wealth accumulation. We create money, we create value, we create worth through the power of the mind. Through our capacity to visualize what could be. Everyone has this capacity and this I suppose echoe's Napolean Hills "Think and grow rich" but its based in real world experience.

The main and traditional wealth centres are the stock market and real estate. But these are just the tip of the iceburg and that is why such a large percentage of people don't find their financial dreams in these arenas.

Being so obvious and prominent, everyone seems to gravitate to these areas rather then thinking laterally. (Or approach the same markets with a lateral, creative approach which is just as good)

So many don't earn much at all because the market is too crowded and we all know, not everybody can be very successful because both of those arenas are "zero sum games" (meaning, for there to be winners there must be losers because thats where the winners spoils come from)

As a person with a desire to accumulate wealth rapidly, your job is to avoid the "zero sum games" These are 18th century relics, however old traditions die hard. To grow money exponentially we need to become visionaries. You must apply your capacity to "see" what others cannot see in uncrowded arena's where the game is for mutual improvement for everybody or what I term "infinite sum games" where all participants benefit. Not all will get fiscal benefits, however money is not something that everybody wants. As the visionary its your job to "see" whats required and provide this commodity in exchange for the fortune you seek.

Alternative investment is where the potential is. Its where your future is.

May success find you fast and knowledge find you first!

By Jack Reynold

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Committing To Wealth Creation

Wealth creation is about consistently earning more than what you are spending. A positive personal income is the only way to earn and acquire wealth. One thing that most self-made millionaires have in common is that they all worked hard to acquire their wealth. Acquiring wealth is only the 2nd step to a financially worry-free life.

The first step is setting up the habits associated with acquiring wealth like working longer and spending less to increase your personal profits so you can save more. Again, the second step is acquiring wealth. The third step is arranging your money into the right investments so you are always making substantial income solely off your investment returns.

But the first step of getting in the habits that allow you to acquire wealth requires a lot of work and dedication. The first thing you should is cancel any credit cards that you shouldn't be spending on. Cut out anything that isn't a necessity. Saving money by picking up trades is a great way to cut down on the costs of everyday life like repairing a car or fixing something up around the house.

Imagine how much money you could save by not spending on things such as these. If you become skillful enough at what you do you may even be able to get a side job making use of your newly acquired trade. Many people that have acquired large amounts of wealth innovated their industry and they worked extremely hard to get there, even if it meant having multiple jobs.

Once you get these habits in place acquiring wealth will seem much easier than before. The trick is sticking to them and not making premature, poorly made investments. Though risk or a gut feeling may seem like a good reason to make an investment and many times those that take chances come out on top. Wait until you're fully stable before making any large investments. And try to invest in low risk opportunities. With the way the current economy is, tried investments like the stock market are no longer a safe way to make returns on your investment.

The ability to acquire large amounts won't come to you over night. Acquiring wealth starts with something as simple as a budget. As you build upon your tools and habits, the amount of money you can acquire increases greatly and seems to happen more regularly. Be responsible and never forget about your goals and you're well on your way to financial freedom.

By Tom Kranz

Monday, March 24, 2008

Creating A Financial Exit Strategy

All the training and education secured early in life works to prepare a person for a working life. From the earliest of years, the formula for success in life is instilled:
- Go to school - Get an education - Learn occupational skills and expertise - Get a good job - Earn a paycheck - Retire

This is a formula that has worked very well to create a workforce of lifelong workers. It accomplished the goal of supplying a workforce very well. But it does little to prepare for the end of that life cycle. This formula is very good at producing job-dependence, but not so good at producing a financially independent society.

The proof of this is in the statistics. By retirement age, 96% of the population in countries like Australia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain are not financially stable enough to stop working and live in comfort without depending on others. In the U.S., almost 25 percent of those who've reached retirement age are still working (of those aged 65 to 74).

There is a very simple reason why this is the case. The reason is that traditional educations do very little (if anything) to educate students in wealth creation. Beyond retirement accounts and pensions, the average man or woman has very little knowledge about investing and creating wealth. Worse still, a traditional education does noting to instill a mindset of financial success in an individual, and so even those who may understand something of the financial systems of the world often fail to create lasting streams of wealth that can see them through retirement.

While a good wealth creation strategy could do wonders for the working class in terms of retiring at retirement age, it could do more to move that age up dramatically, so that more of life could be enjoyed in the younger years. Wealth creation exit strategies are not only for the retiring, they are for all who would hope to leave the working world and enjoy more control over their life.

A wealth creation education goes beyond that of a traditional education. An education in wealth creation teaches

- The mindset needed to live well and live wealthy - The attitude towards money and wealth that is necessary to embrace money as good and not evil - The financial strategies (financial intelligence) necessary to utilize the world's financial systems to build streams of income (what is referred to as putting money to work for you)

A financial exit strategy, which is what is learned from a wealth creation education, is the means to exiting the working world for good, at any age. It is the one reliable way to create wealth that can last a lifetime.

Wealth creation is the exit strategy that allows people to create the level of financial freedom necessary to live a life in charge. Through wealth creation, any person can gain the financial stability that will ensure that he or she will be able to enjoy a life free from the cycle of the working life.

By Jefferson Steelflex