Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Committing To Wealth Creation

Wealth creation is about consistently earning more than what you are spending. A positive personal income is the only way to earn and acquire wealth. One thing that most self-made millionaires have in common is that they all worked hard to acquire their wealth. Acquiring wealth is only the 2nd step to a financially worry-free life.

The first step is setting up the habits associated with acquiring wealth like working longer and spending less to increase your personal profits so you can save more. Again, the second step is acquiring wealth. The third step is arranging your money into the right investments so you are always making substantial income solely off your investment returns.

But the first step of getting in the habits that allow you to acquire wealth requires a lot of work and dedication. The first thing you should is cancel any credit cards that you shouldn't be spending on. Cut out anything that isn't a necessity. Saving money by picking up trades is a great way to cut down on the costs of everyday life like repairing a car or fixing something up around the house.

Imagine how much money you could save by not spending on things such as these. If you become skillful enough at what you do you may even be able to get a side job making use of your newly acquired trade. Many people that have acquired large amounts of wealth innovated their industry and they worked extremely hard to get there, even if it meant having multiple jobs.

Once you get these habits in place acquiring wealth will seem much easier than before. The trick is sticking to them and not making premature, poorly made investments. Though risk or a gut feeling may seem like a good reason to make an investment and many times those that take chances come out on top. Wait until you're fully stable before making any large investments. And try to invest in low risk opportunities. With the way the current economy is, tried investments like the stock market are no longer a safe way to make returns on your investment.

The ability to acquire large amounts won't come to you over night. Acquiring wealth starts with something as simple as a budget. As you build upon your tools and habits, the amount of money you can acquire increases greatly and seems to happen more regularly. Be responsible and never forget about your goals and you're well on your way to financial freedom.

By Tom Kranz