Thursday, March 27, 2008

Alternative Investment Ideas Are Required If You Want Rapid Wealth

Ever since I was a kid, I played with vision. I saw things as they were, then applied different fanciful overlays against the reality. I looked for logical outcomes based on those creative overlays to practice "eventuation"

It was and still is a habit. I was the number one kid with potential but no follow through according to teachers. I was a day dreamer.

Its no surprise this day dreaming kid turned into a day dreaming adult with no real prospects or intrinsic worth. I drifted from job to job, from interest to interest. I can tell you looking back, that theres absolutely nothing wrong with that. I consider it normal and the people with the capacity to stick to a mind numbing job for 40 to 60 hours per week for years and years is the abnormal state.

Of course things changed for me, I changed when I met Martin Thomas and found out there was a practical application to make money with this capacity to day dream. Im "well heeled" today (as they say) and its simply obvious to me that real wealth is created. I dont mean in the practical sense like you would use the word to describe a task. I mean in the biblical sense like when we describe how God created the world and rested on the seventh day.

Alternative investment is essential for rapid wealth accumulation. We create money, we create value, we create worth through the power of the mind. Through our capacity to visualize what could be. Everyone has this capacity and this I suppose echoe's Napolean Hills "Think and grow rich" but its based in real world experience.

The main and traditional wealth centres are the stock market and real estate. But these are just the tip of the iceburg and that is why such a large percentage of people don't find their financial dreams in these arenas.

Being so obvious and prominent, everyone seems to gravitate to these areas rather then thinking laterally. (Or approach the same markets with a lateral, creative approach which is just as good)

So many don't earn much at all because the market is too crowded and we all know, not everybody can be very successful because both of those arenas are "zero sum games" (meaning, for there to be winners there must be losers because thats where the winners spoils come from)

As a person with a desire to accumulate wealth rapidly, your job is to avoid the "zero sum games" These are 18th century relics, however old traditions die hard. To grow money exponentially we need to become visionaries. You must apply your capacity to "see" what others cannot see in uncrowded arena's where the game is for mutual improvement for everybody or what I term "infinite sum games" where all participants benefit. Not all will get fiscal benefits, however money is not something that everybody wants. As the visionary its your job to "see" whats required and provide this commodity in exchange for the fortune you seek.

Alternative investment is where the potential is. Its where your future is.

May success find you fast and knowledge find you first!

By Jack Reynold