Monday, March 24, 2008

Creating A Financial Exit Strategy

All the training and education secured early in life works to prepare a person for a working life. From the earliest of years, the formula for success in life is instilled:
- Go to school - Get an education - Learn occupational skills and expertise - Get a good job - Earn a paycheck - Retire

This is a formula that has worked very well to create a workforce of lifelong workers. It accomplished the goal of supplying a workforce very well. But it does little to prepare for the end of that life cycle. This formula is very good at producing job-dependence, but not so good at producing a financially independent society.

The proof of this is in the statistics. By retirement age, 96% of the population in countries like Australia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain are not financially stable enough to stop working and live in comfort without depending on others. In the U.S., almost 25 percent of those who've reached retirement age are still working (of those aged 65 to 74).

There is a very simple reason why this is the case. The reason is that traditional educations do very little (if anything) to educate students in wealth creation. Beyond retirement accounts and pensions, the average man or woman has very little knowledge about investing and creating wealth. Worse still, a traditional education does noting to instill a mindset of financial success in an individual, and so even those who may understand something of the financial systems of the world often fail to create lasting streams of wealth that can see them through retirement.

While a good wealth creation strategy could do wonders for the working class in terms of retiring at retirement age, it could do more to move that age up dramatically, so that more of life could be enjoyed in the younger years. Wealth creation exit strategies are not only for the retiring, they are for all who would hope to leave the working world and enjoy more control over their life.

A wealth creation education goes beyond that of a traditional education. An education in wealth creation teaches

- The mindset needed to live well and live wealthy - The attitude towards money and wealth that is necessary to embrace money as good and not evil - The financial strategies (financial intelligence) necessary to utilize the world's financial systems to build streams of income (what is referred to as putting money to work for you)

A financial exit strategy, which is what is learned from a wealth creation education, is the means to exiting the working world for good, at any age. It is the one reliable way to create wealth that can last a lifetime.

Wealth creation is the exit strategy that allows people to create the level of financial freedom necessary to live a life in charge. Through wealth creation, any person can gain the financial stability that will ensure that he or she will be able to enjoy a life free from the cycle of the working life.

By Jefferson Steelflex