Friday, April 11, 2008

6 Factors to Activate Your Wealth - You Are Rich And You Did Not Know It!

You already have a sizable amount of wealth karma waiting to be unlocked in your life. If you have been doing everything that the financial experts advise and still find yourself in a financially compromised situation, then you need to know the deeper reasons why.

Here are tips and methods to stop the hidden waste of wealth that is happening in your life. Do this and get the results--get rich and wealthy. Make no mistake--this is not a get-rich-quick tip-sheet, but solid tried and tested solutions. The information here can change the foundation of your life and everything that you do.

The Foundations of Wealth Building
If you have explored many ways and methods to correct your wealth and finance situation and still come up short, then you need to rebuild the foundations in the structure of your wealth building efforts. In addition to monetary assets, wealth energy encompasses other assets, of which two are of great importance--relationships and knowledge.

One of the things we often lack is the ability to act on wealth building intelligence that we might have or receive. This may be due to anxiety, indecision, or simply lack of knowledge of the subject. This results in a speculation or gambling type of thinking that we then believe is the way to create wealth. This is a situation of frustration and certain loss.

Any benefits that we receive in life are based on our relationships with others and things happening around us. Authentic knowledge gives us information we can act upon and possibly benefit from. To rectify the balance of our relationships with wealth building energies we need to ask ourselves a few questions and address some issues we may have in our existing state of affairs.

Creating the Wealth Foundation
Shortage of money, income, lack of wealth, can truly be a cause of great pain and suffering. Shortage means that we do not have enough financial energy to take care of our basic living needs and those of our dependents. In the first instance, there are six things we need to look at in correcting the balance of wealth energies.

1. Cleaning up the physical environment
2. Cleaning up the energy environment
3. Stopping waste of wealth energies
4. Attracting wealth energies
5. Protection of wealth energies
6. Growth of wealth energies

Six Factors to Activate Wealth Energies
The first three are very important because wealth stays only where it is treated well--just as a good friend would. It would help if you think of 'wealth' as a friend who is somewhat particular where he or she stays and how they are treated. Is the environment friendly and clean? Is the wealth treated with respect? Are there other factors that prevent the entry of wealth or lead to a depletion of the wealth friend's beneficial energies?
In order to grow wealth, just as in a productive garden, you need to prepare the ground, till the soil, add the nutrients, make available the light and air.
That is covered by the first three factors. The next three factors have to do with actual creation and maintenance of the wealth energies. Once you have a growing crop in your wealth garden, there are predators, bugs and disease that can strike your growing wealth. Learn how to protect your wealth energies.
Methods and techniques for these above listed six factors are being made available in detail at the link given below. Following the steps given there you will create the foundation for your wealth building. Consider this as Day 1 of your new financial life. Subsequent 'Days' will give you increased levels of benefit as you progress to activating your wealth energies that have been lying dormant or have been drained away. We wish you well in your wealth building efforts.

By Nalin K. Nirula and Renoo Nirula